Again, I’ve found myself in January, having gone months without posting. And again, I’m trying to sum up a huge year of changes in a little blog post.

I was looking back through my photos to delete some of the thousands I amassed while dog sitting for a year and a half, and I realized how much has happened in the past year. It feels like I blinked and time jumped forward. This time last year, I was waiting on news about whether I’d get into grad school, and now I’m starting my second semester.

Most of 2022 was spent working, saving up as much as I could for another move and a couple years of school. I didn’t do as much traveling because I couldn’t justify giving myself the time off. I went to Florida to spend time with family in May and December, road tripping down the East Coast both times in a way that felt reminiscent of my childhood. I spent a couple nights car camping this summer, eager to get away even if I could only spare 24 hours. In August, I went backpacking along the Long Trail again, and ran into foot pain and soggy weather (again). Then it was off to school. I moved east to Boston and started school again at 26.

I was able to free up a couple Saturdays and show my non-East Coast roommates a tiny slice of the beauty of Maine and New Hampshire. I had Thursdays off my first semester and spent most of them adventuring to places like Martha’s Vineyard or running home to use a clean washing machine.

As is usually the case with school days, the fall flew by, and the winter break flew by, and now I’m on my third week of second semester, trying to figure out how to throw on the brakes a little. I’ll let you know when I figure it out, but for now, I’m thinking this blog might take on more of a journal role. Big life changes have me thinking about serious stuff like where my career will go and what I want my future to look like.

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